Home Sweet Motorhome

And so it begins…

We got the news a couple of weeks ago that the RV trip we’ve been planning for years is finally going to be able to happen! If you’ve heard about our project before you will know it as Wanderlust and Wavelengths but since the project has been stalled for so long we decided to start it off fresh with a new name.  Therefore, henceforth it with be known as A Roaming Home!

For those of you who haven’t heard of us yet let me introduce ourselves!


I’m Emily (on the left) and on the right is my lovely wife, Jen. Our puppies, Lyla and Mac, are also vital members of our team. They provide um…well…cuteness and…uhhhh…okay that’s about it. But we couldn’t do it without them. Here are some pictures of their adorable little mugs, just so you know the whole family.

This blog is for our newest project, A Roaming Home. This project started with the idea that every place has a soul and everyone’s story is worth telling. It’s our dream to get rid of all the possessions and stuff holding us back, buy a small trailer, and see this country as it was meant to be seen: away from super highways and mega corporations. We want to travel to small forgotten towns, live there, and photograph what is unique and interesting about that place. It might be the people or the buildings, the food or the merchandise; we won’t really know until we get there. What we do know is that we don’t want to show only the glamorous side of life. We want to show life as it really is for real people in real towns across America.

Right now we are packing/selling/buying/donating fools.  We are getting rid of most everything we own.  The things we are keeping have to fit in a closet at my parents house or our RV.  The RV is about 40 sq ft and the closet is about 2 sq ft so if you do the math that isn’t much.  We are working on separating all of our belingings into 4 piles: keep, keep for RV, sell and donate.


This is what a closet looks like after you’ve gotten rid of everything except what will fit in a tiny RV!

The larger items are going to be the hardest part.  We currently have the task of selling 2 cars and 4 computers.  The more we get rid of stuff the lighter I feel. Its like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders with every bag we drop off at the Thrift store.  All the clutter is leaving and only the essentials get to stay.  Its been a very liberating experience with the exception of a panic attack when I realized how few clothes I am going to be able to take with me.

sell pile keep for storage pile

We decided to get rid of the tings that we don’t need for the RV now even though we still have 3 months left because we wanted to test out what would be practical to get rid of and what we need to keep.  This way when we are on the road we won’t have to stop and buy something that we just got rid of.  It also means that we are down to one cup, one fork, one spoon, one knife, one plate and one bowl each.  Its been pretty nice not having all that other stuff to wash!

Next week we are going to drive to Oregon about 3 hours away to get to the RV dealership that carries the Leisure Free Spirit SS van conversion that we are looking for.  So far that one is the front runner but there are a few things we want to see in person before we make our final decision.  Hopefully in the next week or so I’ll have an update about the van with pictures!


This entry was published on February 21, 2014 at 12:30 am. It’s filed under Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

2 thoughts on “And so it begins…

  1. Mary Jane Palma on said:

    I am so excited for you and Jen. What a wonderful adventure you are embarking on. I can’t wait to follow the blog and see the amazing photos.

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