Home Sweet Motorhome

You Can’t Go Home Again

We’re knee deep in cleaning out our apartment right now.  Filling holes is our name and scrubbing is our game. Our apartment is almost 100 years old so there’s lots of layers of paint and wallpaper. After we took down some shelving that we installed, we saw that they had made the layers of paint and wallpaper crack like a web and pieces started coming off the walls. We had my dad come in and look at the cracks to see if they could be fixed (he’s a professional handyman). The good news was it turned out that the plaster behind everything was still intact and I am not responsible for the cracking because, over many years, so many layers of paint had been put over wallpaper that started to fall off the wall from the weight. The bad news was that the plaster was covered in black mold!  Not only did they paint over wallpaper but also mold.  Gross! We had already found black mold on the wall behind the couch so, at this point, I’m grateful that I’m moving out of this apartment.  My wife and my dog are both having stomach issues and we are all starting to wonder if this is the source of the problem.

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We were planning on sleeping in our apartment until the day we had to leave but we had to abandon that plan and move into the RV immediately.  Luckily, my dad was already there with his trailer because my mom wanted our desk.  So we loaded the mattress in there right away for him to take to the dump and now we don’t have to worry about it later.

After that, Jen and I were so exhausted we couldn’t take another step so we actually decided to take the next day off! We had the RV packed up with everything we needed from loading it the previous two days so we just drove to my parents house for the rest of the weekend and spent some time relaxing and eating all the leftovers in our fridge.  It was a well-needed break and since my mom volunteered to help us with the final apartment cleaning we are actually ahead of schedule! I say that with a little bit of trepidation because I feel this particular part of the process has been going too easy.

Now, I’m having trouble getting in touch with my apartment manager because the original one seems to have been “let go”.  The new one is only an interim manager and is trying to manage more than one building. I really want be there for the inspection so I can try to get as much of my security deposit back as possible.  I’m worried that they are going to blame us for the cracking on the wall even though they were the ones that made the poor decision to paint over wallpaper.  But I guess we’ll have to put all that in the “we’ll see” category for now. At least we’re not breathing in black mold day and night now.






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