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We’ve been everywhere, man

For the past few weeks we have been up and down the California coast visiting friends and family.  Or at least as many as we can fit in before we have to get to our solar installation appointment (which is finally coming up!).

We started out our trek in Anaheim not because Disneyland was there (although we definitely went to Disneyland) but because Jen’s brother lived there.   He just got a cute Australian Shepard puppy.  The pictures below are from out visit to Rosie’s Dog Beach in Long Beach, Ca.

We stayed there for about a week hanging out and letting the puppies play.  It was hotter than hell there though so we ended up leaving a bit earlier than we planned.  But not before we went to Disneyland on the most crowded day of the summer so far (and the hottest!).  We like our Disneyland in the off season.  Not too hot, not too cold, all you really need is a light jacket.  But that was not this.  Luckily my favorite part about Disneyland is walking around, so I don’t mind the long lines that much.  We did miss out on the new Cars Land though, at least there’s always there is always next time!

After that we went to San Diego to meet up with Esmeralda (Jen’s best friend from high school) and her wife Nicole.  Most of the visit was pretty ordinary friends hanging out but the last day ended up being one of the most ridiculous “look back and laugh” sort of days ever.  It all started when Jen wanted to do a bonfire and roast marshmallows on the beach.  First it took us about 5 different stores to find all the supplies (vegetarian hot dogs, hot dog skewers etc..)  So that was a little annoying but mostly we just laughed about it.  When were deciding what fire wood to get Jen decides that we didn’t need lighter fluid to save money.  We could just start the fire without it. (I’m sure you’re laughing at her already)  So when they go to start the fire they realize that there is no fluid left in the lighter we brought with us.  So now Nicole has to go to our bonfire neighbors and ask them for some fire to start ours with.  After that the next hour consisted of Nicole and Jen trying with all their might to start a fire.  After a while, Esmeralda offered to blow on the fire. At this point I wasn’t expecting much but she went over to it and blew on it and it came to life all of a sudden like magic!  I will assume from now on that she has some sort of magical powers and make sure to stay on her good side.  After that it only took them about 20 minutes or so to get it to catch to the wood and really start going.

And they all bonfired happily ever after right? Wrong.  Most things after that went smoothly.  We roasted hot dogs, the veggie packets we made cooked perfectly and we had delicious s’mores.  It wasn’t until we started to pack up that things got weird.  Remember those hot dog skewers that took us 5 different stores to find?    These skewers are about three feet long so you can roast with them and not get burned.   Esmeralda was cleaning up and put one in the fire to clean off the marshmallow.  After she was done she went to stake it into the sand for safe keeping.  However, she ends up lifting it over her head to gain momentum, missing the sand, and planting it right into her foot.

Jen and I got back to the beach from bringing out a load to the car and find Esmeralda laughing/crying/hyperventilating. We looked down and her foot was soaked in blood. It took us a second to take it all in and realize what we were seeing. Then Esmeralda starts yelling that she stabbed her foot. Luckily, we have a very well stocked first aid kit in the RV and we were able to bandage her up and get her home just fine.  She is doing well now but her big toe is a little holeyer than before!  If Esmeralda does have magic powers she forgot to use them to not stab herself in the foot.

After that we moved on to San Francisco to see Amanda!  We only had a day and a half to visit but we made the most of it.  Jen, Amanda, and I went for a nice walk around Golden Gate Park.  Then we went to China Town and ate steamed buns and coconut tarts.  Unfortunately one of the steamed buns had some sort of peanut residue on them and made me a bit sick for the rest of the day (if you don’t already know I am very allergic to peanuts). I wasn’t sick enough to miss out on the sushi and tempura that we went to for diner however. The restaurant also had fried mashed potatoes, which are awesome!

On the way out of town we managed to get a photo op with the Golden Gate Bridge!

photo 5

photo 3


photo 2

photo 1


You may have noticed that I don’t have any pictures of most of the people I visited.  You might say, “But Emily you are a photographer why wouldn’t you have taken pictures!” The truth is that I have to go out of my way to remember to take pictures of people I am with.  I will remember all day long to take pictures of cool things I see around me but for some reason, when it comes to the pics you want to put in the photo album, I completely forget!  I resolve to do better in the future though.  As my Aunt Josephine would say, “It would be nice to see some pictures!”



This entry was published on August 9, 2014 at 6:43 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “We’ve been everywhere, man

  1. Esmeralda Estrada on said:

    Apparently my magikal powers do not protect me from stupidity! lol I love you all so much! I cannot wait until the next time we see each other…I have a 20 ft. buffer zone between myself and BBQ forks from now on so I should be safe! lol safe travels!!!

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