Home Sweet Motorhome



I’m Jen (on the right) and on the left is my lovely wife, Emily. Our puppies, Lyla and Mac, are also vital members of our team. They provide um…well…cuteness and…uhhhh…okay that’s about it. But we couldn’t do it without them. Here are some pictures of their adorable little mugs, just so you know the whole family.

This blog is for our newest project, Wanderlust and Wavelengths. This project started with the idea that every place has a soul and everyone’s story is worth telling. It’s our dream to get rid of all the possessions and stuff holding us back, buy a small trailer, and see this country as it was meant to be seen: away from super highways and mega corporations. We want to travel to small forgotten towns, live there, and photograph what is unique and interesting about that place. It might be the people or the buildings, the food or the merchandise; we won’t really know until we get there. What we do know is that we don’t want to show only the glamorous side of life. We want to show life as it really is for real people in real towns across America.


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